Distribution If One Dies Without a Will, Trust or Estate Plan

Spouse and children or if no children then their issue Spouse receives $50,000.00 plus one-half of residue. Children share remainder or if deceased, that child's issue receives deceased child's share.
Spouse and no children or their issue Spouse receives everything.
Children or if no children, their issue and no spouse Children receive equally or if deceased, that child's issue receives deceased child's share.
One or both parents and no spouse, children or their issue Parent receives everything. If two parents survive, they receive equally.
Brothers and sisters or their issue and no spouse, issue or parent Brothers and sisters receive equally or if deceased, that brother's or sister's issue receives deceased brother's or sister's share.
Maternal and paternal grandparent or grandparents or their children (decedent's aunts and uncles) or grandchildren (decedent's first cousins) and no spouse, children, issue, parents, brothers, sisters, or their children's or issue Maternal grandparents receive one-half, or if both are deceased, their children (aunts or uncles) receive one-half. If one of the grandparent's children is also deceased that child's children (first cousins) receive his share equally. Paternal grandparents receive same as Maternal grandparents.
Only maternal or only paternal grandparents or their children or grandchildren and no spouse, children, issue, parents, brothers, sisters or their children's issue. Grandparents receive everything equally, or if both are deceased, their children (aunts or uncles) receive everything equally. If one of the grandparent's children is also deceased, that child's children (first cousins) divide his share equally.
Great-grandchildren of grandparents (decedent's first cousins once removed) and no spouse, issue, parents, brothers, sisters or their issue. Maternal great-grandchildren receive one-half equally. Paternal great-grandchildren receive one-half equally. If only maternal or paternal great-grandchildren survive, they receive everything equally.
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